Wednesday, November 02, 2005


I was tagged by Megan to list 20 random things about myself. Here they are in the order I thought of them:

1. I always wanted to marry a farmer or a pastor, but married a law enforcement office who preaches by the way he lives and fosters my desire to have a garden!
2. This is how I met my husband. Very out of character for me to try something like this!
3. I love to can my own apples, peaches, and pears.
4. I love Martha Stewart Living, Country Home, and various other home/gardening magazines.
5. I love mountains and snow and said I'd never live where it was hot, humid, and buggy - now I live in South Carolina!
6. I sang a solo of "My Grandfather's Clock" in 2nd grade.
7. I coached HS cheerleading for six years.
8. I love primitive and homespun crafts.
9. I would like to live in Mitford.
10. One person I would most like to meet is Corrie ten Boom.
11. Brownies and ice cream is my favorite dessert.
12. I love planning holiday events, baby showers, and other creative gatherings.
13. I lived on milk shakes for 10 weeks one summer after having jaw surgery and my mouth wired shut.
14. Anne of Green Gables and Little Women are favorite movies.
15. I love to make things out of old denim.
16. I get pleasure out of putting away a stack of clean if they would only stay that way!
17. I like surprising others, especially if they don't know I did it.
18. This recipe will be published in the new Gooseberry Patch cookbook - Best Ever Casseroles.
19. I want to be just like the Proverbs 31 woman.
20. I love everything about Christmas and am embarassed to admit how many boxes of decorations I have in the attic.

Have fun! I don't know anyone else to tag, so if you want to play - let me know!


Mary Ann said...

My husband and I met through eharmony too! It was out of character for both of us, but I knew it was the right thing. Where in SC do you live? I'm guessing closer to GA? We live very close to Charlotte, NC. Small world indeed.:-)

Monica Wilkinson said...

Yes, we live near Savannah and Hilton Head. Wow - we have even more in common than I thought! :)