Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Christmas Crafting

With the Christmas music out lately, I've been doing a little Christmas crafting. The above trees have been interesting! The one on the left, I saw in a craft magazine and my friend, Grace, and I got together to make them. Four hours later, we each had one done. So, in an attempt to simplify the idea - I made the one on the right.

Some of you already know this, but I love making my own notecards using old magazines! Use full-page pictures for the envelopes and smaller pictures to paste on the front of the notecard (half a piece of cardstock folded in half). You can dress them up with squiggles or stamps - they are so fun and I always think they look very cheerful in the mailbox when I'm mailing some out! Anyone else doing any crafting? Please share your ideas!


Mary Ann said...

I came here via your comment on Like Merchant's Ships. I really like your card and envelope idea. I think I will try some of these. I enjoy your posts!

Monica Wilkinson said...

Mary Ann,
Thanks for your post - I noticed you live in SC - we do too! Small world. Hope your cards and envelopes turn out great! They are super fun! Looking foward to checking out your blog as well!